Having a Penis Enlargement in Australia? Everything you need to know.

By Dr. Aaron Stanes

A dentist wearing black scrubs and gloves is smiling at a patient who is sitting in a dental chair. The patient is looking up at the dentist and smiling. The background features wooden cabinets and a sink.

A non surgical penis enlargement uses dermal filler to increase the thickness of the penis shaft. It has been performed over the past two decades and is growing in popularity, awareness and acceptance due to its efficacy and convenience.

The non surgical penis enlargement is a very popular treatment with Dr. Aaron Stanes in his penis enlargement clinics in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia. It is a walk-in walk-out treatment that involves injections of dermal filler to the shaft and head of the penis to increase its size.

The penis enlargement goes by a number of names including:

  • Penis fillers
  • Penoplasty
  • Penile thickening
  • Penile enhancement
  • Penile girth enhancement
  • Non surgical phalloplasty
  • Male enlargement injections

Some clinics have developed ‘brand’ names for the penis enlargement procedure like ‘Calibre’ and ‘Androfill’. These treatments are done in the same way as any dermal filler penis enlargement procedure.


Penis enlargement procedures and techniques

What are the most common methods for penis enlargement?

Methods to enlarge the penis focus on increasing either girth, length, glans size, or a combination. They are classified as surgical, medical (also called non-surgical), and non-medical.

Surgical methods include suspensory ligament release, where the supporting ligament at the base of the shaft is divided with the aim to increase flaccid length, fat transfer where fat cells harvested with liposuction are injected into the shaft, and dermal fat grafting where a strip of fat tissue is secured to the shaft.

Surgical penis enlargement carries significant risk, and highly variable outcomes. Many urological organisations advise against penis enlargement surgery. An alternative for men who have excess pubic fat causing their penis to be ‘buried’ is to have liposuction. While this doesn’t actually increase penis size, it helps men reclaim some of their natural penis length.

Non-surgical penis enlargement methods use injectable fillers and are primarily girth increasing, although they can increase average flaccid length. Hyaluronic acid filler is the preferred option because it is low-risk, effective, and reversible. PMMA and collagen stimulators are effective, but carry significant risks owing to their irreversibility. Silicone injections are considered dangerous.

Non-medical treatments can be subcategorised into topical treatments, tablets, and mechanical.

Topical treatments (like lotions and patches) and tablets have no evidence supporting their benefits, and have been shown to be ineffective.

Mechanical penis enlargement methods include pumping, jelqing (milking), and traction. Pumping techniques can cause permanent damage and erectile dysfunction, while jelqing has not demonstrated any positive results in studies. Traction can increase penile length, but it must be done extensively over long periods of time, making it an unfeasible option.


Are there any medically proven techniques for penis enlargement?

There are a handful of medical procedures that have been proven to increase penis size.

The first is a suspensory ligament release. It is a surgery where the ligament that hold your penis to your pelvis is divided, revealing more of your penile shaft. It may increase flaccid length only, but can also result in a loss of stability during erection, and if you have scarring penile length can be lost.

Dermal fat grafting and fat transfer can increase penile girth, but fat necrosis (a common side effect after such treatments) can cause permanent shaft deformities, not to mention the other risks of having surgery.

Penile dermal fillers are a simple, quick and effective treatment to increase penile thickness without surgery. Typically, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are placed in the shaft (and occasionally the glans) under local anaesthetic. The treatment takes 20 minutes, and aside from abstinence and a few other aftercare steps, has no downtime.


What types of dermal filler are used to enlarge the penis?

There are a number of options when it comes to using filler to enlarge the penis. Dr. Stanes prefers to use a reversible hyaluronic-based gel filler to increase your penis size. This is because if there are any side effects, they are much easier to treat because it is reversible.

  • Gel filler: this option is reversible and temporary. Results from gel filler last 2-5 years on average, although new evidence on dermal filler longevity shows that it may last longer than this;
  • Collagen stimulating fillers: these are temporary fillers that last from 1-5 years, and are not reversible. They stimulate the production of collagen, giving more pronounced increases in size for an equivalent volume of gel filler. However, the collagen produced means that any treatments done in the future may be much more challenging, as the cannula cannot pass through the penile tissue as easily. As it isn’t reversible, complications are also a much bigger problem. Nodules are very common when using collagen stimulating injections in the penile shaft.
  • Permanent fillers: these fillers produce the longest lasting results, but any complication may require surgery to fix. They are rarely used.
  • Fat grafting and transfer: this involves injections of fat obtained by liposuction from other parts of your body. You must be a candidate for liposuction to undergo this treatment, and not all of the grafted fat may survive. The fat may also not survive evenly, meaning additional treatments may be needed. Fat can also calcify forming hard lumps and nodules.

“HA filler remains the most common and most preferred option among patients and penis enlargement doctors as it is predictable and reversible.”


How much dermal filler will I need to enlarge my penis?

The increase in size of your penis will depend on three things:

  1. The size of your penis before the treatment
  2. How much dermal filler is injected
  3. The tightness of the penile shaft skin

Injecting more conservative quantities of dermal filler to the penis makes it easier to get a smooth result. Men who want a more pronounced increase in the size of their penis often have the enlargement done over a few sessions.

The quantity of filler you need for your treatment will depend on how much of an increase in size you want. Generally, most men are happy with 12-20mls of filler in the shaft, and 3-6mls of filler in the head. However, this can vary. Men with a naturally larger penis will need higher quantities, and men with a naturally smaller penis will need smaller quantities. If you want a more pronounced increase in size after the area has healed, you can simply inject more with another procedure as along as the overlying skin allows. Injecting too much filler in one session increases the risk of the filler aggregating in lumps

“More pronounced results will require more filler. Staging larger treatments over a few sessions can help to achieve better results.”


How is the penis enlargement performed?

Increasing the size and thickness of the penis is a relatively straightforward procedure when done by a expert penis enlargement clinic.

The steps involved in an appointment for penis fillers include the following:

  • A penis enlargement consultation will be conducted to determine your suitability, and answer your questions.
  • If you are physically and psychologically suitable, then the treatment can go ahead.
  • Your penis will first be cleaned, and then numbed using small injections. Numbing cream is insufficient for this procedure. Numbing injections ensure that the treatment is essentially pain free.
  • Your penis will be cleaned again extensively to ensure the penis enlargement is done in a sterile/aseptic manner.
  • Dermal filler will be injected to the shaft of the penis using a blunt tipped cannula. The filler is injected into the fatty layer. The cannula is introduced into this layer through a small pilot hole made with a fine needle.
  • Your glans (head) can be injected with a small needle to increase its size, improve its shape, and reduce its sensitivity, although results of glans augmentation can be inconsistent.
  • Your penis will again be cleaned extensively, and a dressing applied.
  • You will be provided with comprehensive aftercare instructions, including massage to ensure an even and smooth result, and a prescription for antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.

You will see immediate results from your penis enlargement. The following day, swelling may make the results look more pronounced. It is important to allow 2-4 weeks for the enlargement injections to fully heal

What can a non surgical penis enlargement with dermal fillers help with?

Injections of dermal fillers to the penis can achieve the following:

  • increase flaccid girth;
  • increase erect girth;
  • increase flaccid length;
  • reduce shrinkage;
  • increase the size of the glans (penis head);
  • reduce sensitivity of the glans;
  • improve the appearance of penile shaft curvatures;
  • improve the appearance of Peyronie’s.


How often do I need to maintain the results of my non surgical penis enlargement?

This will depend on how much filler you had injected during your last penis enlargement treatment, and how long it has been since your last session. There is no rule about when to come back for maintenance treatment. Rather, you should come back when you decide that you want a more pronounced result.

If you come for maintenance treatments more frequently, then you will need less filler injected each time compared to if you space your maintenance treatments out by longer periods. Most men who have had a penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid based treatments have maintenance treatments every 2-4 years.


What are the risks of a penis enlargement with dermal filler?

While the treatment is very low risk, there are some rare side effects of this treatment. Ensuring you attend a clinic with a doctor who has a dedicated focus on penis enlargement treatments is the best way to minimise the risk of the procedure. Some risks of penis fillers include:

  • Filler aggregation: also known as lumps and asymmetry. These are easy to correct is a reversible filler like hyaluronic acid has been used to enhance your penis.
  • Infection: this is rare but requires aggressive treatment. Ensuring the treatment is done in a sterile manner and that you take antibiotics after your treatment will minimise this risk significantly (a prescription will be given to you for the antibiotics).
  • Inflammatory reactions: using foreign material in the body always has a risk of the body reacting to the material. The most common filler used to enlarge the penis is very biocompatible meaning this issue is very rare. If it does occur, you may notice pain, swelling, and very firm areas under the skin. In this case, the filler must be removed using dissolving injections (if a dissolvable filler has been used).
  • Nodules: tiny firm lumps may develop around the filler, but are not usually noticeable without careful examination.


Are there non-surgical options for penis enlargement that are safe and effective?

There are a number of treatment options that claim to increase penis size. Dermal filler injections are one of the few safe and effective non-surgical treatment to increase penis size, but are not risk free. Surgery has higher risks and variable outcomes, while pills, lotions and devices don’t work, and can damage your penile tissues causing erectile dysfunction.

Penis fillers of course have risks involved, however if your enlargement is performed using hyaluronic acid, then the filler is immediately and fully reversible if there are any issues.


What are some non-invasive, non-surgical methods for achieving a temporary increase in penis size?

The only non-invasive, non-surgical method for achieving a temporary increase in penis size is the use of dermal filler injections. Dermal fillers are made of a temporary, reversible hyaluronic acid gel designed for use in the body. When injected beneath the skin of your penile shaft, they add volume to the tissues. This increases penile girth, and can also increase flaccid length (through the added weight of the filler). Results from dermal fillers penis enlargements wear off slowly over time, usually taking over 5 years to completely dissipate.


Do penis pumps work for enlarging the penis, and are they safe to use?

Medically approved penis pumps are designed to help men with erectile dysfunction, and may be used in combination with a constriction device placed at the base to retain penile tumescence. Constriction devices must not be worn for more than a few minutes as they can worsen erectile dysfunction. Medical penis pumps also have in-built pressure limiters to prevent penile tissue injury.

Penis enlargement pumps are generally considered dangerous (because they lack pressure limiters), and ineffective, with no evidence supporting their ability to increase penis size.


Are there exercises or techniques that claim to increase penis size, and do they have any scientific backing?

The main exercise technique to increase penis size frequently discussed online is known as jelqing. Jelqing involves ‘milking’ the penile shaft from base to tip, and has no evidence with a widely accepted consensus that it does not work.


Are there any safe and effective medical procedures for addressing erectile dysfunction and improving penis function?

Erectile dysfunction has a number of causes, including testosterone deficiency, medication side effects, certain surgical procedures, vascular disease, and diabetes.

Erectile dysfunction that is vasculogenic (caused by blood vessel plaque build up) can be treated by focussed shockwave therapy. The procedure involves administering acoustic waves to the penis to break down blood vessel plaques, and stimulate new vessel growth. This improves blood flow to the erectile tissues.

Focussed shockwave therapy is non-invasive, pain-free, and is safe.


What are the potential side effects and complications associated with penis enlargement procedures?

Each type of penis enlargement procedure has a unique set of side effects and complications.

Suspensory ligament release risks include treatment failure, loss of penile length, scarring, infections, a lack of stability of the erect penis and numbness.

Penile dermal fat grafting risks include cosmetic deformity, infection, graft failure, infection and numbness.

Penile fat transfer risks include fat necrosis (where the transferred fat dies or calcifies), cosmetic deformity, infection, inflammation, and fat embolism resulting in death.

Penile filler risks include infection, inflammatory reactions with nodules, and contour irregularities with filler aggregation. Side effects from treatments performed with hyaluronic acid filler can be treated by dissolving the filler, but if severe or rapidly progressing may need surgery or drip antibiotics.

Penis pump risks include damage to the penile tissues and erectile dysfunction.


When it comes to enlarging your penis, informed consent is absolutely critical. Penis enlargement surgery has many considerations, including high cost, risks, downtime, extensive aftercare, and variable results. It also lacks strong scientific evidence. Therefore, your chosen surgeon must carefully take the time to discuss all of these considerations with you so that you can make an informed choice about potentially having penis enlargement surgery, and prepare you for the range of possible outcomes.

If you’re considering penis enlargement fillers, informed consent is also important. While it is a quick, effective, and convenient treatment, there are still risks, and aftercare steps that you must follow.


Penis enlargement aftercare and maintenance

How do I look after my penis following a phalloplasty with filler?

It is very straightforward to care for your new package after having penile thickening injections.

The following are the most important instructions to maximise the chance of a great result, and minimise the risk of a complication:

  1. Adhere to the massage protocol which will be given to you during your appointment.
  2. Take your post treatment medications as prescribed.
  3. Avoid sexual activity for at least ten days after your treatment.

Adhering to the post enlargement aftercare will minimise the risk of infection, filler migration and filler aggregation

“Strict adherence to the treatment aftercare is one of the most important parts of the entire process, and a significant determinant of your result.”

What can I do to get the best results from a phalloplasty with fillers?

When undergoing dermal fillers to penis, it is absolutely critical that you adhere to the penis enlargement aftercare. Ensuring that you follow all instructions after your treatment will reduce the risk of side effects and give you the best chance of a great result. Following your penis enlargement injections, you should adhere to the following, unless otherwise advised by your penis enlargement expert:

  • Keep the area clean.
  • Avoid sexual activity for at least ten days.
  • Massage the area with the goal of keeping the filler evenly distributed along the shaft. The first 72 hours of massage are the most critical, but you may need to continue intermittent massage for up to 4-5 weeks.
  • Take your prescribed medicine as directed by your treating penis enlargement doctor. This generally involves antibiotics for a few days.

How long do dermal fillers last in the penis?

The longevity of your penis enlargement will depend on the type of dermal filler used to enhance your penis, and your own personal metabolic factors that cannot be predicted or controlled. For hyaluronic acid gel filler, results should require maintenance every 2-5 years on average, and wear off gradually over time.

Occasionally, the results may last a shorter amount of time than this, but maintenance treatments may help to increase the longevity. New research conducted with MRI scans of areas injected with filler are showing that fillers can last a lot longer than previously thought (in some cases beyond ten years). These are studies of fillers injected into the face, by this can be applied in principle to fillers injected to the penis as well. Importantly, there is nothing you or your penis enlargement doctor can do aside from repeating the treatment to improve longevity of fillers.

Penis enlargement costs

How much does phalloplasty with dermal fillers cost in Australia?

The cost of your injectable penis enlargement will depend on how much filler is injected, and which type of filler is used. Generally, for hyaluronic acid filler penis enlargements without surgery, the starting price is $4500, and the average price is around $7500 to augment the shaft. Augmenting the head or glans will generally range from $2700-$3600.

“Enlarging the penis non surgically with fillers is one of the most effective treatment options currently available for men looking to improve how they measure up.”

How much does penis enlargement surgery cost in Australia?

The cost of penis enlargement surgery depends on the actual type of procedure you have, and the experience of the surgeon you choose. Experienced penis enlargement surgeons may charge anywhere from $20,000 for basic surgery, to over $50,000 for more complex procedures.


Is it cheaper to travel overseas to Turkey for a penis enlargement?

Having penis enlargement surgery in Turkey is cheaper compared to Australia. However there are many reasons why you should think carefully before taking a risk and travelling overseas to countries like Turkey for the enlargement procedure.


Penis size and sexual satisfaction

Can penis size affect sexual satisfaction for both partners?

Penis size has a big impact on sexual satisfaction for both partners, however this is not the only factor involved. Intimacy has many considerations, and men with smaller penises often have fulfilling encounters with their partners. When we consider penis size, girth is arguably the more important size measurement that correlates with satisfaction. The level of satisfaction when it comes to girth also depends on the anatomy of your partner.


What’s the average penis size, and how do individuals compare to these averages?

The average penis size varies among different parts of the world. Not only that, but conditions like time of day, ambient temperature, and arousal can impact flaccid measurements. Interestingly, flaccid measurements are a poor predictor of erect measurements.

A study published in the British Medical Journal that had health professionals take standardised measurements to determine average penis size found the following:

Flaccid length: 9.16cm

Stretched flaccid length: 13.24cm

Erect length: 13.12cm

Flaccid girth: 9.31cm

Erect girth: 11.66cm


Is it possible for penis size to change with age, and if so, how?

Your penis does change size with age. It is normal for penis size to increase during puberty. As men age, they occasionally believe that their penis is becoming smaller. In reality, the penile tissues rarely change. Rather other things contribute to the appearance of a shrinkage penis as they get older.

An accumulation of pubic fat can give them impression that your penis is losing length. Furthermore, reduced blood flow that occurs with health conditions like high cholesterol results in your penis having less blood flow, making it appear smaller.


How important is open communication with a partner regarding concerns about penis size and enlargement?

Many men in relationships have concerns about their penis size. Some feel comfortable discussing their issues with their partner, while other men prefer to keep things private. As for whether you should be open with your partner about your concerns, it really depends on your relationship.

Some partners may be empathetic to your concerns, and provide reassurance in a healthy way, while being respectful of your right to make decisions about a penis enlargement. Other partners may be more dismissive, and tell you everything is fine without elaboration. Certain types of people may even use the vulnerability against you in arguments and during tumultuous times in your relationship.

Ultimately, you’ll need to decide whether or not to be open with your partner about the concerns you have about your penis size.


Penis enlargement myths, misconceptions, and scams

What are common penis enlargement myths?

There are many myths out there when it comes to enlarging your penis.

Almost all treatments, devices and exercises that claim to increase penis size don’t work, or are dangerous. Surgery can work, but with high risk and very variable outcomes.

The only consistent way to increase penis size is with an implant. This can be in the form of injectable fillers (done without surgery), or a rigid silicone implant (known as Penuma), but with the latter having surgical risks including scarring, numbness, and infections that may result in cosmetic deformity.


Are penis enlargement treatments a scam?

Many penis enlargement treatments are a scam, lacking any scientific evidence, or testing demonstrating effectiveness. Tablets, lotions, patches and pumps have all been proven to not work. While traction devices have some evidence, they require long-term, frequent use, making them an unfeasible option for almost all men.

Penis enlargement surgery is also controversial among surgeons. Fraught with risk, variable results, and lacking strong evidence, most experts recommend men thoroughly research their options and seek second opinions when it comes to enlargement surgery.

Penis dermal fillers however are a simple, low-risk, reversible, and highly effective treatment option to increase the size of your penis. Taking about 20 minutes with results lasting up to 5 years and beyond, penis fillers increase flaccid and erect girth, and flaccid length.


What are some common misconceptions about enlarging your penis?

There are many misconceptions out there about enlarging your penis.

One of the most common ones is that it isn’t necessary. Everyone is different, and while there is rarely a definitive physiological need to increase penis size, many men long for a larger penis.

Another common misconception is that penis enlargement treatments don’t work. While this is true for many non-medical options, dermal fillers are one of the most effective and convenient methods for increasing penis size.

Many men (and surgeons) believe that permanent solutions for a penis enlargement are better. Surgeon claim this because they get paid to do surgery, while some men just want a one and done type approach. However, temporary treatments (dermal filler enlargements) have a number of significant advantages over permanent options. The first is that if you have a side effect, it is much easier to treat with temporary fillers as they are also dissolvable. The second advantage is that if your result is too big (for either you or your partner), the effect will slowly wear down. Lastly, if you ever have a new partner in the future and the size is too big, then it will not be a problem forever.

Despite the temporary nature of dermal fillers, most men only need a very small maintenance treatment every 12-24 months and the treatment generally takes just 10-20 minutes.


What is the maximum age for getting a penis enlargement?

There is no maximum age to get a penis enlargement. When assessing your suitability for an enlargement, it is more important for medical professionals to assess your physical and psychological health. If you are in good physical health, with no evidence of psychological illness like body dysmorphia, and are accepting of the risks and limitations of the enlargement treatment, then you are eligible.


How old do I need to be to get a penis enlargement?

In Australia, you must be at least 18 years old to get a penis enlargement. Some surgeons may treat minors under the age of 18 who suffer with a micro penis, or who have significant psychological distress about their penis size. However in such cases, a pre-treatment psychological evaluation will be required.


About Dr. Aaron Stanes
Experienced penis enlargement doctor in Australia.

Dr. Aaron Stanes is an Australian trained doctor who has trained around the world in cosmetic medicine. He has a particular interest in the non surgical penis enlargement with fillers, and is a medical advisor for Teoxane, the company who produces the gel filler most commonly used to enlarge the penis in Australia. Having been trained to augment the penis with fillers by one of the Australia’s most eminent phalloplasty surgeons, Dr. Stanes provides the men of Australia with evidence-based penis enlargement treatments at his clinics in Melbourne and Sydney. He is known for his fair and calming demeanour, respect for patient privacy, and for providing honest and transparent advice that allows you to make an informed decision about your treatment. Dr. Stanes always puts his patient’s interests first.

If you would like further information about the non surgical penis enlargement, you can contact Dr. Stanes with your questions, or read more on our dedicated penis enlargement page.

You can book an appointment with Dr. Stanes  to enlarge your penis with injectable fillers.

A shirtless man sitting against a beige background, resting one arm on his bent knee while the other arm is extended to the side. He has short braided hair and wears black pants with white socks. His expression is calm and relaxed.

Penis enlargement

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