Why you shouldn’t go to Turkey for your penis enlargement

By Dr. Aaron Stanes

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    Many men around Australia are looking for a proven way to increase the size of their penis. Unfortunately they often waste time and money on pills, potions and devices touted online. Currently, the two most effective solutions to increase penis size are penis enlargement surgery (phalloplasty) and penis dermal filler injections.

    Penis enlargement surgery comes with a higher risk profile and has extensive downtime. As a result penis enlargements with dermal fillers have become the go-to option for men who want a thicker penis.

    While penis filler injections are a safe, effective and no downtime way to increase the length and girth of your penis, one of the biggest barriers is cost. Recently, there has been a spike in men considering travelling overseas for penis enlargement procedures. In Turkey, there seems to be a huge number of the treatments done at very low prices.

    The first thing that comes to mind when you think of high volume and low cost is ‘Is it safe?’. Here we will look at the pros and cons of travelling overseas for a penis enlargement. We’ll outline why choosing a penis enlargement doctor in Australia is a much safer decision.

    Why people choose Turkey for penis enlargement surgery and fillers?

    The single biggest reason men choose to travel to Turkey to enlarge their penis is the lower cost. Everything is cheaper in Turkey. Land, rent, wages, medical equipment. All of these cost savings can be passed on to prospective patients, making it an attractive option for men who don’t want to pay Australian prices for a penis enlargement.

    More and more penis enlargement clinics are popping in up in Turkey. Despite this, there is still suspicion as to the legitimacy of the clinics and the medical staff who perform the treatment. The regulation of medicine is vastly different compared to Australia, with under-qualified or fake doctors potentially performing penis enlargement treatments, putting you at risk.

    There is also the accountability to consider. The result from your penis enlargement can take a few months to settle. Once you’ve returned to Australia, it can be very easy for clinics to cut off communication if things haven’t gone as planned. Ghosting after penis enlargements in Turkey is more common than you think.

    Is it safe to get a penis enlargement in Turkey?

    There are risks of penis enlargement procedures no matter where they are performed. However, the last thing you want to do is put your penis at unnecessary risk to save money. Travelling to a country with a different healthcare system, different healthcare standards and regulation, and a different language increases the risks of your procedure. You may not fully understand the implications of your penis enlargement, not know how to properly follow the aftercare, and have minimal if any follow-up. You cannot even guarantee that your procedure is being carried out by a qualified and experienced penis enlargement doctor. Bait and switches do occur in these penis enlargement clinics.

    The Australian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons warns why you should be careful travelling overseas for cosmetic surgery.

    What are the risks of having a penis enlargement in Turkey?

    The most significant risk of travelling to Turkey for your penis enlargement is that you can’t be certain that you are at a proper medical clinic. Who is actually performing your penis enlargement? Are they qualified? What experience do they have? Are they using high quality products and sterile equipment?

    You need to be weary of side effects like infection, nodules, retraction and scarring. Even more, if your result is suboptimal and you need treatment in Australia, the costs can be far more than your initial procedure.

    Having a successful penis enlargement: your safety and your result

    While price is a big factor for anyone considering a penis enlargement, it should never replace the need for a safe and effective treatment done in licensed facilities by an experienced medical doctor. Low cost almost always means that safety and quality has been compromised. If you end up with a penis enlargement gone wrong, you could have:

    • Retraction of your penis with a loss of length
    • Permanent nodules and shaft deformities
    • A loss of erections
    • Numbness, scars and chronic pain
    • Infections causing skin and tissue loss

    The cost of fixing complications is often far greater than the money saved having your penis enlargement in Turkey.

    When a holiday isn’t a holiday

    A penis enlargement surgery is no walk in the park. And while penis fillers are walk-in walk-out, not having a good support network around you can cause significant stress. Penis enlargement aftercare is very important, no matter whether you had surgery or non-surgical penile fillers. So any hopes you had of enjoying a relaxing holiday after your surgery will be quickly forgotten.

    Where should I get a penis enlargement?

    Nothing beats having your penis enlargement in Australia with a properly trained, qualified and experienced medical doctor. Safety should always be your number one priority, followed by your result, comfort and privacy. Having your penis enlargement in Australia means that you can check the credentials of your doctor, and that help is nearby in the rare event of a side effect.

    Bargains and discounts are great for buying products, but not for medical procedures.

    Payment plans for penis enlargement procedures

    There are independent companies who provide finance and payment plans for penis enlargements in Australia. This all but eliminates the need to travel overseas for a penis enlargement.

    Book a penis enlargement consultation in Australia with Cosmetic Connection

    Cosmetic Connection offer non-surgical penis enlargements using dermal filler at our medical facilities in Sydney and Melbourne.

    As one of Australia’s doctor-led cosmetic clinics, countless men around Australia have trusted us to perform their penile augmentation safely, and effectively.

    Get in touch or book an appointment with our dedicated penis enlargement doctors today. You can talk about your concerns and goals privately, have your questions answered, and find out if our non-surgical penis enlargement is right for you.

    Penis enlargement

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