The most important things to know about calf slimming injections

By Dr. Aaron Stanes

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    Chasing slimmer, more shapely calves? You’re not alone. Large, bulky and muscular calves are a common concern among many people. No matter if you’re bothered by how they look, or just find it hard to wear certain clothes, no one ever complained about having slimmer calves.

    There are a number of reasons why your calves might be larger than you’d like. Whether related to genetics or lifestyle factors, there are a number of treatment options available.

    For those that have large calves due to overdeveloped gastrocnemius calf muscles, invasive surgery used to be the only option. Now, calf slimming injections are available, and are a treatment that may be worth considering.

    Calf slimming injections are a treatment that can reduce the size of overdeveloped gastrocnemius calf muscles. The gastrocnemius (the sprinter’s muscle) is the bulky calf muscle with 2 bellies at the top half of your lower legs.

    Using ultra-fine needles, muscle-relaxant protein can be injected into the muscles to reduce their strength. This ultimately leads to a reduction in their size in a process that takes about 4-6 weeks. While you may need 1-2 sessions for the ideal result, once achieved, maintenance is generally required every 6-12 months on average.

    Before and after 2 sessions of calf slimming injections (after photo taken months after 2nd session).

    Importantly, calf slimming injections are only used on the gastrocnemius muscle. They cannot be used for large muscles on the front of the lower legs, or for excess lower leg fat. Fat dissolving injections are a non-surgical option to dissolve small pockets of fat, typically around the ankles, but for a more significant improvement in lower leg fat, liposuction may be recommended.


    Understanding calf slimming – FAQ

    What is calf slimming?

    Calf slimming is a cosmetic procedure aimed at reducing the size of the calf muscles. It primarily uses muscle relaxing injections (which contain botulinum toxin). Rarely, it may involve fat dissolving injections.


    How do I make my calves smaller?

    There are several ways to make your calves smaller. These include:

    • Exercise: Avoiding exercises that strain your calf muscles can reduce their size.
    • Dietary changes: A balanced diet can contribute to overall body fat reduction, including in the calves.
    • Cosmetic procedures: Muscle slimming injections and fat-dissolving injections are popular options for calf slimming.


    How to make genetically large calves smaller?

    If you have genetically large calves, it can be more challenging to reduce their size. However, a combination of exercise, diet, and cosmetic procedures can help achieve your desired results. The best approach to reducing naturally large calves depends on the cause of their increased size.


    Calf slimming injections and muscle slimming Botox

    Can Botox slim calves?

    Yes, Botox can be used to slim calves. By temporarily relaxing the calf muscles, Botox can reduce their size, for a slimmer appearance.


    What is calf slimming Botox?

    Calf slimming Botox is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting small amounts of botulinum toxin into the calf muscles. This toxin temporarily relaxes the muscles, causing them to reduce in size. Calf slimming only involves treatment to the gastrocnemius muscles.


    Is calf Botox safe?

    Calf Botox is generally considered safe when administered by a qualified medical professional. However, as with any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects.


    Can you walk after calf Botox?

    Yes, you can usually walk after calf Botox, but it’s important to avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.


    What not to do after calf Botox?

    After calf Botox, you should avoid massaging or rubbing the treated area. Further, try to abstain from intense exercise for 24 hours.


    What are the side effects of calf Botox?

    Common side effects of calf Botox include:

    • Bruising at the injection site
    • Temporary muscle weakness
    • Swelling or tenderness


    Is calf reduction Botox permanent?

    No, calf reduction Botox is not permanent. The effects of the treatment typically last for a few months, after which the muscles gradually return to their original size.


    How long does calf reduction last?

    The results of calf reduction Botox typically last for anywhere from a 6-12 months. The duration of the effects may vary depends on the natural size and strength of your calf muscles, the amount of product injected, and how often you get treatments.


    How much does calf slimming Botox cost?

    The cost of calf slimming Botox can vary depending on several factors, including the amount of Botox needed, and your desired results. the skill and experience of your practitioner will also influence the cost.


    What are the risks of calf reduction?

    The risks associated with calf reduction Botox are generally minimal. However, there is a small risk of:

    • Bruising, swelling and tenderness
    • Muscle weakness
    • Asymmetry, or unsatisfactory results


    Is calf Botox painful?

    Calf Botox injections are typically described as minimally painful. Most clinics apply numbing cream to reduce discomfort during the procedure.


    Do calf slimming injections work?

    Calf slimming injections are an effective treatment option to reduce the appearance of enlarged calf muscles.


    How long do calf slimming injections take to work?

    The effects of calf slimming injections emerge gradually over a 4 week period.


    What are the side effects of calf slimming injections?

    The side effects of calf slimming injections can vary depending on the type of injection. Common side effects may include:

    • Bruising
    • Swelling
    • Temporary muscle weakness


    How long do calf slimming injections last?

    Calf slimming injections typically wear off slowly over 6-12 months. The longevity depends on the extent of treatment, the frequency of maintenance, and the size and strength of the muscles.


    Are calf injections safe?

    Calf injections, when administered by a qualified medical professional, are generally considered safe. However, as with any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects. These include bruising, swelling, and muscles weakness.


    What is the aftercare for calf slimming injections?

    After calf slimming injections, avoid intense exercise until the following day. Gently apply a cold compress to minimise redness and bruising.


    Calf slimming fat dissolving injections

    Can you get fat-dissolving injections in calves?

    Yes, fat-dissolving injections can be used to reduce the appearance of calf fat. These injections contain a substance that breaks down fat cells. However, fat dissolving injections are not the best treatment for excess calf fat. This is because they are suitable for very small fat pockets. More generalised fat such as that seen in the calves are better treated with other modalities, such as liposuction.


    What are fat-dissolving injections for legs?

    Fat-dissolving injections for legs can help to reduce the appearance of stubborn fat deposits, including in the calves. They can be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as exercise and diet, to achieve desired results. Fat dissolving injections should only be used to treat fat deposits no larger than the size of a credit card.


    Can fat-dissolving injections for leg fat go wrong?

    Fat-dissolving injections can go wrong if they are not administered correctly or if the patient has underlying health conditions. It’s important to consult with a qualified medical professional to assess your suitability for this treatment. Risks of fat dissolving injections to the calves include infection, pigmentation, and skin breakdown.


    Calf slimming and reduction injections at Cosmetic Connection

    If you’re interested in calf slimming injections, you can either book in for treatment or get in touch with some photos of your calves for an assessment by one of our experienced cosmetic doctors.

    Calf slimming

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