Understanding Nasal Flaring and How to Treat It with Injections
Nasal flaring is a common issue that affects many individuals. It causes flaring of the nostrils during facial expressions. While nasal flaring is normal, some people may not like the way it looks. If you don’t like how your flaring nostrils look, then there are treatments available.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the causes of nasal flaring, how it affects your appearance, and how injectable treatments can provide a non-surgical solution.
What is Nasal Flaring?
Nasal flaring refers to the involuntary or voluntary widening of the nostrils. It can happen during expressions like laughing and smiling, or during physical exertion. It’s a natural response to improve airflow through the nose.
Some people have more pronounced nasal flaring, even when there is no physiological need. This often results from larger, stronger nasalis muscles, which control nostril flaring.
Nasal flaring is different to nasal widening, which is when your nostrils pull outwards and upwards when smiling and laughing. Nasal widening is rarely treatable with injections.
Common Causes of Nasal Flaring
Physical Exertion: During intense activities like running, your nostrils may flare to improve airflow.
Emotions and Stress: Strong emotions such as anger, fear, or stress can cause the muscles around the nose to contract and flare.
Genetics: Some individuals have a genetic predisposition to more prominent nasal flaring. If your family members have noticeable flaring, you may experience it as well.
Muscle Tension: The muscles surrounding the nose, particularly the nasalis muscle, play a role in nasal flaring. Overactive nasalis muscles cause more noticeable flaring.
How Nasal Flaring Affects Your Appearance
When the nostrils flare excessively, it can cause a change in the way the face looks. It can cause your nose to look wider, and is usually an issue in photos when smiling.
Non-Surgical Treatments for Nasal Flaring
One of the most effective treatments for nasal flaring is injectable muscle relaxants. These relax the muscles responsible for nasal flaring, reducing its appearance. It works for the small flaring of the nostrils only.
This treatment does not stop your nostrils drawing outwards and upwards when smiling.
How Muscle Relaxants Can Treat Nasal Flaring
By relaxing the nasalis muscles around the nostrils, we can reduce the appearance of flaring. As the treatment weakens the muscles responsible for the movement of your nostrils, flaring it reduced.
The effect takes 1-2 weeks to work, and wears off over 3-4 months on average. Results are typically subtle, and seen only when making facial expressions.
The treatment will not slim your nostrils when relaxed.
Benefits of Non-Surgical Nasal Flaring Treatment
Quick and Convenient: Treatment takes less than a minute and has no downtime.
Safe and Effective: There is a low risk of side effects with this treatment.
Limitations of Nasal Flaring Treatment
Treatment for nasal flaring only targets the slight flaring of the actual nostrils. It does not stop your nostrils pulling outwards when you smile.
Are nasal flaring treatments right for me?
If you’re concerned about the appearance of flaring nostrils, the first step is a consultation. It’s important to have a proper assessment of your nostril flaring to determine if muscle relaxing treatment is the right approach.
It’s also important to have realistic expectations. This treatment delivers subtle results seen only during facial expressions.
If you don’t like how your nostrils pull outwards when smiling, or your nose is generally too wide, then this treatment is not appropriate.