Aftercare Guide: Filler Dissolving & Correction

By Dr. Aaron Stanes

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    So, now that you’ve undergone dermal filler dissolving, you’ll want to ensure that things heal quickly.

    Here at Cosmetic Connection, we believe that patient education is one of the most important parts of your treatment journey. While the procedure may be minor and non-surgical, it is vital that you know how to make the most of your treatment by carefully adhering to the aftercare instructions for your dermal filler dissolving.

    Following the dermal filler dissolving aftercare is an effective way to ensure a swift and event free healing process.


    What should I avoid after dermal filler dissolving?

    Until the day after your dermal filler dissolving injections, you should avoid:

    • Applying makeup
    • Lying down with pressure on your face (try to sleep on your back)

    For the first 24 hours after dermal filler dissolving, you should avoid:

    • Intense exercise
    • Excessive alcohol
    • Smoking


    How to reduce swelling after dermal filler dissolving

    Here are some great ways you can minimise any swelling from your dermal filler dissolving injections:

    • Avoid hot environments until the swelling has resolved. This includes hot showers, saunas and sitting out in the sun.
    • You can take an antihistamine on the day of your treatment, as long as you are medically suitable.
    • Avoid touching, scratching or picking at the skin of the treated areas.
    • Gently apply a wrapped ice pack intermittently (10 minutes on, 10 minutes off) for the first 4 hours after your dermal filler dissolving injections.


    How to reduce bruising after dermal filler dissolving

    If you are worried about bruising from your dermal filler dissolving, consider following these steps:

    • Avoid excessive alcohol for 24 hours
    • Avoid intense exercise for the first day
    • Gently apply a wrapped cold pack intermittently for the first few hours after your dermal filler dissolving

    If you have bruising after your dermal filler dissolving injections, you can cover it with makeup the day after your injections.


    What to expect in the first few months after dermal filler dissolving

    You can feel comfortable knowing that your unwanted dermal fillers will be immediately broken down by dermal filler dissolving.

    In the first few days, there may be some mild swelling and tenderness. This will generally settle quickly, especially when the aftercare is followed.

    If you have had the fillers for a long time, it is important to understand that they have been disguising the ageing process. So, when you do proceed with dermal filler dissolving, you may notice a more significant change in your appearance, and you may look older than you recall. If this occurs, not to worry. Fresh dermal filler can be re-injected 1-2 weeks later to ensure you continue to look fresh and radiant.


    Are there any side effects with dermal filler dissolving?

    All cosmetic medical procedures have potential side effects.

    When performed with skill, caution and care, dermal filler dissolving is categorised as a low-risk procedure. You can reduce the risk of side effects by following proper dermal filler dissolving aftercare.

    While it is unlikely, some dermal filler dissolving side effects that you may experience include:

    • Skin redness that will gradually improve in the first few days.
    • Bruising which has about a 5-10% risk and can be covered with makeup.
    • Mild swelling in the injected area.

    If you ever have significant facial or airway swelling after dermal fill dissolving, you should seek immediate medical attention.


    Why is dermal filler dissolving aftercare important?

    No matter if you’re only dissolving a small amount of filler, or getting rid of everything from a previously injected area, following the dermal filler dissolving aftercare is very important.

    Following these aftercare instructions for dermal filler dissolving is the best way to care for your new look, reduce the chance of side effects and prolong your result.

    While these aftercare steps may seem minor and trivial, not following them may compromise your result.

    We want you to achieve the best result possible and love your new look, so please, take care.


    Dermal filler dissolving at Cosmetic Connection

    Here at Cosmetic Connection, dermal filler dissolving is something that we strive to perform safely, professionally, and with the utmost concern for your comfort.

    If looking at your dermal filler makes you feel anxious, or you’re worried about a problem with previously injected dermal fillers, then dermal filler dissolving may be a solution.

    Check out our comprehensive dermal filler dissolving page for more information on this treatment.

    Filler dissolving & correction

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