What is a non-surgical facelift?

By Dr. Aaron Stanes

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    Have you noticed that you don’t look like you once did anymore? Losing the defined facial features of your youth? Noticing things start to head South and sag? Sagging skin affects us all, and is one of the most common concerns among people who still feel young and vibrant, but who are unhappy that they don’t look the same. You don’t have to live with sagging skin and a loss of your facial contours. There are a number of treatment options available. Read on to discover how the team at Cosmetic Connection can help you to treat sagging skin without surgery and reclaim more contoured facial features.

    Why does the skin sag with age?

    There are several factors that can cause the skin on the face to sag as we age. One of the primary factors is the loss of collagen and elastin, which are proteins that give the skin its strength and elasticity. As we age, our bodies produce less of these proteins, which leads to the skin stretching and sagging. Other factors that accelerate the onset and progression of sagging skin include:

    • Sun exposure: Prolonged sun exposure can damage the skin and cause it to become less elastic, leading to sagging.
    • Smoking: Smoking can contribute to premature aging of the skin, including sagging. This is because smoking reduces blood flow to the skin, which can hinder the production of collagen and elastin.
    • Poor diet and hydration: A diet that is low in nutrients and hydration can affect the overall health and appearance of the skin. Dehydrated skin can appear dry, dull, and less elastic, which can contribute to sagging.
    • Gravity: Over time, the force of gravity can cause the skin to sag, especially in areas where the skin is thinner, such as the neck and jawline.

    It’s worth noting that genetics also play a role in how the skin ages, so some people may be more prone to sagging skin due to their genetic makeup.

    What is a non-surgical facelift?

    A non-surgical facelift with injectables is a cosmetic treatment that uses injectable substances, such as anti-wrinkle, dermal fillers, collagen stimulating injections and fat dissolving injections to restore more youthful contours to your face.

    Anti-wrinkle injections are a type of substance known as neuromodulators that work by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles, such as frown lines and crow’s feet. This effect is achieved through an action that temporarily blocks the signals between nerves and muscles.

    Fillers, on the other hand, work by adding volume to areas of the face that have become hollow or sunken due to ageing. There are various types of fillers available, and they can be broadly categorised as reversible dermal fillers (based on a naturally occurring molecule known as hyaluronic acid) and collagen stimulating injections.

    Non-surgical facelifts with injectables are often used to treat wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of volume in the face. They can be a less invasive alternative to surgical facelift procedures and often have little to no recovery time. They are a great option for people who want a natural-looking improvement in their appearance by targeting sagging skin and restoring more youthful facial contours. It is also popular among people who are not interested or not yet ready for something more invasive like facelift surgery.

    Importantly, the effects of injectables are typically not as long-lasting as those of a surgical facelift and will require additional treatments every 6-24 months on average to maintain the desired results.

    How to choose between a non-surgical facelift and a surgical facelift?

    When deciding on whether to proceed with a non-surgical facelift with cosmetic injectables or full blown facelift surgery, there are a few things to consider.

    1. Budget: Facelift surgery will set you back from $20-$30K at a minimum depending on your local area and which surgeon you see.
    2. Your risk tolerance: Surgery has more significant risks, including the risk of the general anaesthetic. While non-surgical facelifts have few risks, there are still some rare side effects that must be considered such as infections.
    3. Downtime: A non-surgical facelift typically has no real downtime, with most people only experiencing mild redness, swelling and tenderness, and the occasional bruise. If you are interested in facelift surgery, then you’ll need to take some time off; whether that be work or caring for loved ones.
    4. Scarring: Any time the skin is cut there will be scarring. Surgical facelifts will leave you with scars, and while they generally heal very well, the degree of scarring can vary. Non-surgical facelifts involves injections with small needles, and so scarring is not really something that you need to be concerned about.
    5. The result you want: If you want subtle and don’t want to be the topic of conversation at work or amongst friends, the a non-surgical facelift is probably a better option. If you want a noticeable difference then surgery is going to be more aligned with your expectations.
    6. Longevity: A non-surgical facelift with injectables will need upkeep every 6-24 months on average. A surgical facelift will need repeating every 10-15 years depending on how you continue to age.

    If you’re still not sure on if a non-surgical facelift is right for you, get in touch and send through some photos for an opinion from one of our experienced team members.

    When you’re ready, you can book in online for a non-surgical facelift (also known as a liquid facelift) at Cosmetic Connection.

    Liquid facelift

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